So Solar Panel Emit EMF Radiation? Here is the proof
Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular as a means of mitigating climate change and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. One of the most widely used forms of renewable energy is solar power, which harnesses the energy of the sun to generate electricity. However, as with any new technology, there are concerns about its potential health effects of solar panels emf. Specifically, many people are worried about the electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by solar panels. In this article, we will explore the topic of EMF from solar panels and discuss the findings of a recent study on the matter.
My Solar Panels EMF Study
This study involved measuring the EMF in two different locations: a residential rooftop with solar panels and a solar panel farm. The aim was to investigate whether the EMF from solar panels was a cause for concern and if so, to identify the factors that contribute to elevated EMF levels. The results of the study were largely reassuring, with most of the locations with solar panels showing low EMF readings. However, in some previous cases, in my client’s homes, the magnetic fields were elevated.
There are several reasons why EMF levels may be elevated around solar panels. One possible cause is false grounding, which occurs when the grounding system is not properly installed or maintained. Another possible cause is the use of old solar technology, which may emit higher levels of EMF. Additionally, different brands of solar panels may emit different levels of EMF.
Despite these potential factors, my previous measurements in homes with solar panels found that in 80% of cases, the EMF from solar panels was still within the range of normal EMF values. This suggests that the concerns about the health effects of EMF from solar panels may be overstated. However, it is important to note that this study only looked at two locations and more research is needed to fully understand the potential health effects of EMF from solar panels. As I said before in some homes with solar panels on the roof, the magnetic fields were elevated to around 120 NT, which is already a strong magnetic EMF field.
Here is what I have learned. I measured 2 locations in this study, otherwise, I measured over dozens locations with solar energy.
Location 1
In the first video of this series, I delved into a comprehensive examination of the electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by the solar panel array adorning the roof of the residence. The backdrop for this investigation was the domicile of a concerned client, riddled with uncertainties about the ramifications of his solar panel installation. To conduct this assessment, I enlisted the utilization of state-of-the-art EMF meters procured from the reputable company, Gigahertz Solutions. With precision and meticulousness, I meticulously measured the extent of emissions, providing an insightful portrayal of the EMF landscape. The video not only captures the scientific endeavor but also serves as a valuable resource for those seeking informed perspectives on solar panel installations. For a comprehensive review, the enclosed video link awaits your perusal.
Location 2
In the second video, I checked how much of those invisible energy waves (EMF) are around a big area full of solar panels, kind of like a solar panel farm. While I was on my way to a client’s house to measure EMF with my special tools, I spotted this huge bunch of solar panels. I got curious and decided to see how much of those invisible waves are coming from the panels. So, I stopped my car and used my tools to measure the amount of this energy. The video shows all of this and how sometimes, interesting things can pop up when you least expect them.
In conclusion, the study provides some reassurance that the EMF from solar panels is generally not a cause for concern. However, the results also suggest that there are some situations where EMF levels may be elevated, such as when false grounding is present or when using old solar technology. More research is needed to fully understand the potential health effects of EMF from solar panels, particularly in residential areas. Overall, the findings suggest that the benefits of solar power outweigh the potential risks and that solar energy can be a safe and sustainable source of electricity.
That’s not research. Call it what it is. Propaganda. Try checking a field with thousands. Try a statistically based study. Get real and I might listen. Otherwise I see you as a propagandist. You do realize with your “research” some stupid people out there will listen and in turn be physically injured. A sample size of two? Aren’t you embarrassed to put your name with this nonsensical statement
what are you talking about? I measured 5 houses with solar panels, only 1 had elevated magnetic fields….I am using my meters to tell the truth, not some mumbo jumbo stetzerism or some other shit that is floating around and has no proof. Do you think I am not telling the truth? I would use solar panels on my roof, but with proper grounding I beleive there is no reason for concern at all, if they do not use HF transmitter. Dirty electricity like stetzerism is something I do not believe at all, because people felt worse after they used the Stetzer plugs….