ley lines couple bed
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House EMF and Leylines Survey In Austria

This family called being concerned they couldn’t sleep well and they did not feel good inside their house. So I drove to a small Austrian village to do all the measurements.

First I measured ley lines with my L antennas

Leyline Measurement

Here is the result. I made the whole video where you can see where the leylines are positioned. It is best to avoid staying where they cross. That means moving the bed, chair etc. The worst is if you sleep there for a longer time.

In the first picture the leyline is traveling just beside the bed, check the video below to get more info, there are in fact 3 ley lines crossing at the end of this bed. So this kid is lucky his bed is placed just outside the leyline path.

ley lines bedroom kids

In the second picture you can see the leyline going right where the grandma is sitting every day when she watches her TV. I suggested moving her chair a little away from that location to avoid the leyline radiation.

ley lines grandma room

In the third picture, I measured the husband and wife’s bed, where they both sleep. The leyline was exactly where one person was sleeping. This is really bad. I suggested moving the bed a little to the right to avoid leyline completely.

ley lines couple bed

In the last picture, there is a leyline going where the parson sits behind his small desk. I suggested moving the desk to another location that is free of leyline.

ley lines desk

And here is the video that explains everything with my narration.

Low And High-Frequency Fields Measurement

I made a video of the whole thing. I did not include all the recordings for the measurements of course…the video would be too long.

Also, there are allowed emission values in the video for each type or measurement, so you can be focused on that also.

Low-frequency electric fields measured in V/m were elevated at some places where people slept. We tried to mitigate it by disconnecting the electric cables and sockets behind the beds or installing demand switches to get the emissions under control. We reduced the low-frequency electric fields to healthy lever around 1-3 V/m where people slept.

Here is for example strong EMF electric fields coming from electric multi socket

electric fields from power socket

Above the kids bed was installed the LED lights strip which spiked the electric fields to over 450 V/m.

led lights emf emmisions

Low-frequency Magnetic fields were in a healthy range throughout the whole house so around 20 nT. There was no powerline in the vicinity or some kind of high EMF electric substation, so the magnetic fields were not a problem at all.

High frequencies were elevated throughout the house. We installed the EMF curtains that have a special material that cut the HF field to 50 % but the High Frequency emissions were still coming through the walls. With shielding paint, we could lower the HF emissions to 98 %. And also disabled the wifi router that was emitting EMF over 200 µW/m2.

wifi router emmisions in the room over 200

They did not paint the wall with shielding paint because of the costs. The EMF curtains helped a lot, but the shielding paint was needed to completely eliminate HF fields coming from outside the house.

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