About me – Bob Morr – Founder of Altermedicine.org

25 years of experience measuring EMF and ley lines.

We offer a fast, professional, and effective approach to EMF measurement.

We’ve measured over 200 households and companies.

Let me introduce myself. I am Bob Morr, and I have always been interested in health and well-being. I am particularly sensitive to specific electromagnetic fields, especially high-frequency fields such as microwaves. In the past, I used to feel very tired when I watched the big old TVs that we had years ago, which had cathode TV screens. I would feel exhausted the whole day and even experience some strange side effects like tiredness, and exhaustion. Later, I found out that cathode TVs were emitting gamma spectrum radiation, which was likely causing my symptoms.

After experiencing exhaustion and strange feelings due to gamma spectrum radiation emitted by cathode TVs, I switched to TFT, LCD monitors, and LED TV, which resolved my issues. In addition, I used to be highly sensitive to electric outlets near my head when I slept, but after learning about the negative effects of low-frequency fields and disconnecting the outlets near my head, my sleep quality improved significantly.0

I no longer experienced nervousness, my sleep became deeper, and I finally began to feel well-rested.

As I became more interested in EMF fields, I began conducting extensive research and reading all available studies. Through this process, I was able to gradually piece together the information and gain a deeper understanding of the potential dangers associated with EMF exposure.

One experience that stands out in my mind was riding in a car with someone using the first generation mobile phones. These devices were quite large and seemed quite intimidating. However, after returning home from that car ride, I experienced an excruciating headache that persisted throughout the entire day.

It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Later, I learned that those early mobile phones emitted extremely high EMF fields, which was the cause of my headache.

High frequency fields EMF Pattaya Condo Thailand Outside Balcony
Magnetic Fields Outside house

During my youth, I had the opportunity to visit a local radiesthesia/dowsing club, where healers and dowsers would gather weekly to discuss various topics related to their field. One topic that was frequently discussed was dowsing, as well as the concept of earth lines, Curry and Hartman ley lines, and more. It was during this time that I borrowed a pair of L-antennas from one of the members of the club, and I was surprised to find that I could immediately detect ley lines without any formal training.

Being a naturally sensitive person has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, my ability to detect ley lines can be useful when it comes to professionally assessing the energy flow of people’s homes. However, on the other hand, my sensitivity to EMF fields can be problematic at times and negatively affect my well-being.

In the past, I experienced significant issues when using older computer monitors, particularly cathode monitors. The EMF radiation emitted from the monitors caused me to feel discomfort in my head, and my eyes would often burn after only a few minutes of use. Over time, my eyesight worsened, and although I still don’t require glasses, my vision has been permanently affected.

However, since switching to LCD monitors, I have been able to use my computer for extended periods without experiencing discomfort. In fact, I now use my computer for business purposes every day, for at least eight hours, without any negative side effects.

Since switching to LCD monitors, I have not experienced any headaches, nor have my eyes burned. It is now evident to me that the negative effects I experienced while using old monitors were caused by harmful emissions that affected my entire head area. These emissions were especially prevalent in my face, eyes, brain, teeth, throat, chest, and abdomen.

Unfortunately, there was little awareness or concern about the EMF radiation emitted by these old monitors, and many people suffered from issues like headaches, eye strain, and the need for glasses without understanding the underlying cause. Later on, with the introduction of 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth spectrum, I found that I was also sensitive to those emissions. However, as long as I am at least three meters away from the source of the Wi-Fi signal, I can usually avoid experiencing any adverse effects.

After combining my knowledge of physics with extensive research on EMF fields, I finally understood the reason for my constant sensitivity and strange side effects in my body. I was eager to share this knowledge with others, so I began visiting homes around the world and offering solutions to help people improve their health. By eliminating excessive EMF radiation and moving people´s beds away from ley lines, many people were able to feel better and become healthier.

substation emf radiation problem

I discovered that many people suffer from sickness when sleeping in areas where ley lines pass, although not everyone is affected. Unfortunately, by the time some people realize the cause of their illness, it is often too late. However, by moving their beds to a healthy space, people can begin to feel better, gain more energy, and even prevent potential chronic diseases caused by ley lines in their homes. Overall, it is important to eliminate harmful EMF fields and move beds to healthier spot in your home to help you feel healthier and avoid potential EMF-related chronic diseases.

My main focus is on two elements – EMF radiation and Ley Lines. I firmly believe that avoiding these two factors is key to achieving overall well-being.

We are proud to be the authorized distributor of Yshield and Gigahertz Solutions, the world’s leading companies in EMF protection based in Germany. You can find their products in our store.

Through my extensive knowledge of EMF testing and research, I have created this comprehensive website. It is my hope that you will find it informative and enlightening regarding the dangers of EMF radiation. Our team of highly-trained experts resides in Thailand and Europe, but we are always available to travel anywhere in the world to provide EMF testing and consultation services.

Dr Bob Morr and the team


  1. Dear Mr Vaughan,
    I am quite sick with like static in my head and riniging in my ears. I believe in the same things you do. I am new to this and would like your opinion and advice. Please contact me
    at [email protected].

  2. Wonderful work you are doing Dr. Morr. The scientific evidence suggests that man-made EMFs are making entire populations sick around the globe – without the knowledge of the medical fraternity.

  3. Dr Bob Morr, I love your direct common sense and logic, particularly on shungite and orgonite, in regards to wireless radiation and scams. Shungite was used by the Russians as far back as 1920 and built “shungite rooms” out of the rock. The also grounded the rock and made the first shielding paint. In 2006, there was a terrible terrorist attack at a school and many were killed. The staff and students went back to the school and suffered extreme problems, and the Russians became aware that their problems were further aggravated by RFR and they built a new school with “shungite rooms” and their health improved but the shielding from RFR exposure.

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